3D printing is a burgeoning technology that produces real objects from 3D models.
These 3D models are usually done manually using a CAD software. The communication between the computer and the 3D printer is usually done by file, the STL (STereoLithography) format being the most common.
WPF allows you to make 3D models. Perspective is a library that facilitates 3D development with WPF. The impression of 3D models from WPF and Perspective has an advantage compared to manual operation of CAD software: programming enables building dynamic models.
So I expanded the Perspective library with an export functionality of 3D models in STL file. 3D printing tests were conducted at Cambridge (England), with the help of the makespace community, that I thank for its help, especially Kim Spence-Jones, Nicholas Johnson and the Brice family ;)
Read the details in my new article.